Friday, February 12, 2010

Another Stab at Ending Prohibition

Selections from the NH House Criminal Justice Committee's deliberations on their recommendation to the full House -- "exec-ing" the bill -- on HB1653, marijuana "decrim," 2/11/2010. What a difference 2 years can make, huh? In the apt words of Rep. Charron, "Unbelievable..."

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Another Stab at NH Sovereignty

The NH House State-Federal Relations Committee hears public testimony on HB1343, "establishing a joint committee on the constitutionality of acts, orders, laws, statutes, regulations, and rules of the government of the United States of America in order to protect state sovereignty," sponsored by the bipartisan team of Reps. Dan Itse, Paul Ingbreton, Tim Comerford, and Kris Roberts. It's popularly known as "Son of HCR6," last year's "NH sovereignty bill," regarding which, much video and commentary can be found elsewhere on this blog.

This is the sort of intended state-level deliberate and binding oversight of federal shenanigans that the 17th Amendment to the US Constitution utterly obliterated. It would be glorious to royally piss off the feds by establishing an end-around. The federal government was never intended to be the judge of the limits of its own authority. That is the domain of the states that created it. Eventually, one way or another, it's gonna be restored. Only a matter of time...

Federalist Paper 41, which Rep. Itse mentions, can be found, among other places, here.

First, of course, the spicy appetizer...

And the full hearing...

Sunday, February 7, 2010

NH Liberty Alliance Campaign Training

Former NH State Representative, inaugural NHLA Political Director, and 2000 candidate for the Libertarian Party presidential nomination, Don Gorman leads a NH Liberty Alliance training session for potential candidates and supporters, at Murphy's Taproom, Manchester, NH, 2/6/2010.

From the announcement:
The NH Liberty Alliance will hold a training session on how to get elected to State office in New Hampshire. Whether you are considering running yourself, or just want to help get good, pro-liberty people elected.

Consider: in 2007, medical marijuana was defeated in the NH House by a margin of five votes. Five more pro-liberty people would have changed that outcome. Margins of less than 2 dozen happen over and over for issues like seat-belt laws, home schooling, jury nullification, taxation, state sovereignty, and regulation of all kinds. A few hours of your time at election season can provide the "swing votes" on all these issues for two solid years. And if you can run for State Rep -- and win -- you can be one of those who casts those critical votes.

Thanks to the generosity of Murphy's Taproom, this session will be free of charge. Please help Murphy's defray costs by consuming their delicious food and drink.
Hit the NHLA site for updates on future sessions...

