Thursday, December 20, 2007

Ron Paul on Executive Power

A Discussion on Executive Power with Dr. Ron Paul
Presented by the Federalist Society Chapter of Franklin Pierce Law Center, Concord, NH, 12/19/07

And the Good Doctor on NHPR's "The Exchange" the following morning. I do believe I've never heard Laura quite so contentious...

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The Plundering of the People

A chart published today by USAToday lists "The 20 freshman members of Congress who had the most special-interest spending, or 'earmarks,' in the House and Senate spending bills. This includes only spending items with a single sponsor, not multiple sponsors." NH 2nd District's own Paul Hodes ranks #17, at $8,806,000 worth of stolen pork.

We NH residents must be so proud to be such thieves, you and I, preying on our neighbors so. Rep. Hodes, despite there being no political quid pro quo involved (because surely you're above that), you nevertheless confiscated this money, this labor, at the point of a gun, from honest, hardworking families in VT and SC and MO and KS and WY and NM and... Are you so certain you spent it more wisely than they could have?

Not in my name, sir. Stop. It is not yours to give. Or to take.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

NH Liberty Alliance Bill Review Training Session

The NH Liberty Alliance is gearing up for the upcoming NH legislative session, and here are some scenes from the first Bill Review Training Session of that festive season. For background on the "terrorist Senate" reference, see "NHLA Political Director Don Gorman testifies against SB44" here.